Monday, May 23, 2011

Psalm 2:10-13 You Betta Reck-ah-nize

I was a school teacher some years ago. In one of my classes, a couple of the lunk-heads (i.e. students) were picking at one another. The one boy said something about the other one’s mother I think (“Yo’ momma breff so stank…”). The other boy didn’t like it and proceeded to go across the room to teach the other kid the error of his ways. Now, some of the students got in front of the kid that was about to be pounced on and I got in front of the kid that was headed over there. I don’t remember his name, but we’ll call him Bob. Bob was a good kid, basically, but he was highly ticked off right that second. He was standing in front of me and I had my hand on his chest to keep him from plowing forward. Did I mention he was about 6’5”, 220ish? Yeah, so he had stopped walking forward and was just standing there and I realized “You know, if dude decides to roll me over and go after that kid, there is absolutely nothing that I can do about it.” I knew I was in real trouble if he didn’t get control of himself because he could have hurt me badly. As we read the last few verses of David’s second psalm, we see the focus of the psalm come full circle. It started with humankind plotting their rebellion. It ends with humankind being warned against that rebellion.

As we saw in Psalm 2:4-6, God has already decreed that Christ will be exalted above everything and that the plans of rebellion plotted by mankind are just a joke to Him. We find in Psalm 2:7-9 that Christ has been promised total dominion and will judge those who will not bow to Him. Now, with that in mind, we find the kings and rulers are given sound advice. They are told first of all to “be wise” (Psalm 2:10). Since God has settled in His mind Who will be King and since the Son has announced that He has been given total dominion over everything, committing treason and rebelling against the omnipotent authority of Christ would be the exact opposite of wisdom. It would be more like suicide. The wise thing to do, then, would be to submit because as we read in verse 9, you are not going to be standing when He gets finished with the judgment.

They are further told to “be warned”. In other words, pretend like this is a life or death choice, because it is. The judgment that is coming is real. It will be final. There will be no surviving or standing there and taking it like a man. When Christ comes to execute His judgment, there will be no one left standing that opposed him. Therefore, when it happens, don’t act like you haven’t been told it was coming.

What can these rebels do to avoid their fate? Submit. Surrender is the only option. They are told, basically, to become willing servants of this King. They are advised to “Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling”. Further, they are told to humble themselves and “Kiss the Son”. When you know you’re completely outmatched and overwhelmed, throwing yourself to the mercy of your opponent isn’t a bad idea. Particularly when you realize that if you don’t you may “perish in the way”. Depending on how one understands the next Hebrew phrase, the time to judgment may be short (“for his wrath is quickly kindled “ (ESV)) or even the slightest bit of his anger may be too powerful to withstand (“his wrath is kindled but a little “(KJV)). In any case, those who look to Him for salvation (“refuge”) will not be put to shame.

So, as we have examined this psalm of David, I wonder, have you examined yourself—your heart? Are you one of the proud, brave rebels who says “I will not have Him to be God over me”? Or are you instead one of those who has trusted Him to save you? The consequences of that decision are very real and eternal. I pray that you have trusted Him, because if you have, He will not turn you away.

Unless otherwise indicated, in this post scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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